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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - dress


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Перевод с английского языка dress на русский


1) править (напр. шлифовальный круг); выпрямлять; рихтовать

2) обрезать по размеру

3) заправлять (инструмент)

4) зачищать; отделывать

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См. в других словарях

  up  а) изысканно одевать(ся) Are we going to dress up for the wedding, or is it informal?  б) надевать маскарадный костюм  в) наряжать(ся) Mary (was) dressed up for the party. We shall dress the room up for Christmas. You can dress these old chairs up in new covers.  г) переодеваться The children enjoy dressing up in Mothers old clothes.  д) mil. выстраивать солдат Dress up the men so that the general can see them. DRESS watch часы-брошь DRESS  1. noun  1) платье; одежда - evening dress - morning dress - the dress  2) внешний покров; одеяние; оперение  3) attr. парадный (об одежде)  4) attr. плательный - dress goods Syn: apparel, attire, clothes, clothing, costume, garb, garments  2. v.  1) одевать(ся)  2) наряжать(ся); украшать(ся) to dress a shop window - убирать витрину the ballet will be newly dressed - балет будет поставлен в новых костюмах to dress for dinner - (пере)одеваться к обеду  3) причесывать, делать прическу  4) чистить (лошадь)  5) перевязывать (рану)  6) приготовлять; приправлять (кушанье)  7) разделывать (тушу)  8) унавоживать, удобрять (почву); обрабатывать (землю)  9) выделывать (кожу)  10) выравнивать; ровнять  11) шлифовать (камень)  12) обтесывать, строгать (доски)  13) naut. расцвечивать (флагами)  14) mil. равняться; выравнивать(ся) dress! - равняйсь! right (left) dress! - направо (налево) равняйсь!  15) mining обогащать (руду)  16) text. аппретировать  17) подрезать, подстригать...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. платье, одежда morning dress —- домашнее платье, платье-халат; визитка bathing dress —- купальный костюм dress designer —- модельер; модельерша dress cutter —- закройщик dress model —- фасон платья dress goods —- плательные ткани articles of dress —- предметы одежды to talk dress —- образ. говорить о тряпках his dress was faultless —- он был одет безукоризненно 2. (женское) платье silk dresses —- шелковые платья 3. одеяние, убранство, убор; покров spring dress —- весенний наряд (деревьев) 4. оперение winter dress —- зимнее оперение (птиц) 5. парадный dress clothes —- парадная одежда dress cap —- ам. воен. парадная фуражка dress uniform —- воен. парадная форма одежды it's a dress affair —- надо быть при полном параде 6. одевать; наряжать to dress oneself —- одеться to dress a child —- одеть ребенка she was dressed simply but faultlessly —- она была одета просто, но с безукоризненным вкусом she was dressed in white —- она была одета во все белое 7. одеваться, наряжаться to dress well —- одеваться хорошо to dress for dinner —- переодеться к обеду 8. готовить костюмы to dress a play —- сделать костюмы для спектакля 9. украшать, убирать to dress a shop-window —- убирать витрину to dress smth. with garlands —- украсить что-л. гирляндами to dress (a) ship —- расцвечивать корабль (флагами); ам. поднять государственные флаги на корабле 10....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) наряд 2) обрезать (деревья) 3) препарировать 4) свежевать, разделывать (тушу) – spawning dress ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. приготовлять, выделывать, обрабатывать - dress in uniform DRESS 1) упаковка 2) украшать; выравнивать – trade dress ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) править, выравнивать, рихтовать 2) аппретировать (ткань) 3) обтёсывать 4) метал. отделывать, зачищать, обрубать 5) обмазывать, облицовывать 6) подкармливать (почву) 7) метал. доводить (плавку) 8) разделывать (тушу) to dress a breaker point — зачищать контакт прерывателя to dress a cable — разделывать кабель to dress a casting — метал. обрубать отливку to dress drill bit — горн. заправлять бур to dress a sheet — зачищать лист to dress meat — разделывать мясо to dress with fertilizer — подкармливать удобрением ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) платье одевать(ся) 2) править (шлифовальный инструмент); заправлять (инструмент) 3) подвергать финишной (чистовой) обработке; отделывать; апретировать (ткань) 4) обтёсывать (камень) 5) строгать; ошкуривать; зачищать 6) обогащать (руду) 7) заправлять электрод 8) просеивать (зерно, муку) 9) выделывать (мех) 10) свежевать (туши) 11) дубить (кожу) 12) цел.-бум. насекать дефибрерный камень 13) текст. шлихтовать 14) устанавливать печатную матрицу 15) заделка (кабеля) заделывать (кабель) - dressy dress - peplum top dress - pinafore dress - tank top dress - top dress - two-piece dress ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. clothe; array (dressed in rags; dressed her quickly). b intr. wear clothes of a specified kind or in a specified way (dresses well). 2 intr. a put on clothes. b put on formal or evening clothes, esp. for dinner. 3 tr. decorate or adorn. 4 tr. Med. a treat (a wound) with ointment etc. b apply a dressing to (a wound). 5 tr. trim, comb, brush, or smooth (the hair). 6 tr. a clean and prepare (poultry, a crab, etc.) for cooking or eating. b add a dressing to (a salad etc.). 7 tr. apply manure etc. to a field, garden, etc. 8 tr. finish the surface of (fabric, building-stone, etc.). 9 tr. groom (a horse). 10 tr. curry (leather etc.). 11 Mil. a tr. correct the alignment of (troops etc.). b intr. (of troops) come into alignment. 12 tr. make (an artificial fly) for use in fishing. --n. 1 a one-piece woman's garment consisting of a bodice and skirt. 2 clothing, esp. a whole outfit etc. (fussy about his dress; wore the dress of a highlander). 3 formal or ceremonial costume (evening dress; morning dress). 4 an external covering; the outward form (birds in their winter dress). Phrases and idioms dress circle the first gallery in a theatre, in which evening dress was formerly required. dress coat a man's swallow-tailed evening coat. dress down colloq. reprimand or scold. dress length a piece of material sufficient to make a dress. dress out attire conspicuously. dress parade 1 Mil. a military parade in full dress uniform. 2 a display of clothes worn by models. dress rehearsal the final rehearsal of a play etc., wearing costume. dress-shield (or -preserver) a piece of waterproof material fastened in the armpit of a dress to protect it from sweat. dress-shirt a man's usu. starched white shirt worn with evening dress. dress up 1 dress (oneself or another) elaborately for a special occasion. 2 dress in fancy dress. 3 disguise (unwelcome facts) by embellishment. Etymology: ME f. OF dresser ult. f. L directus DIRECT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French drescer, ~er to direct, put right, Vulgar Latin *directiare, from Latin directus direct, past participle of dirigere to direct, from dis- + regere to lead straight — more at right  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make or set straight  b. to arrange (as troops) in a straight line and at proper intervals  2. to prepare for use or service; specifically to prepare for cooking or for the table ~ a salad  3. to add decorative details or accessories to ; embellish  4.  a. to put clothes on ~ a child  b. to provide with clothing feed and ~ a growing family  5. archaic ~ down  6.  a. to apply ~ings or medicaments to ~ a wound  b.  (1) to arrange (as the hair) by combing, brushing, or curling  (2) to groom and curry (an animal)  c. to kill and prepare for market or for consumption — often used with out  d. cultivate, tend; especially to apply manure or fertilizer to ~ a field  e. to put through a finishing process; especially to trim and smooth the surface of (as lumber or stone)  intransitive verb  1.  a. to put on clothing  b. to put on or wear formal, elaborate, or fancy clothes ~ for dinner  2. of a food animal to weigh after being ~ed — often used with out  3. to align oneself with the next soldier in a line to make the line straight  II. noun  Date: 1606  1. apparel, clothing  2. an outer garment (as for a woman or girl) usually consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt  3. covering, adornment, or appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time  4. a particular form of presentation ; guise  III. adjective  Date: 1767  1. suitable for a formal occasion ~ clothes ~ shoes  2. requiring or permitting formal ~ a ~ affair  3. relating to or used for a ~ ~ material ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dresses, dressing, dressed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A dress is a piece of clothing worn by a woman or girl. It covers her body and part of her legs. She was wearing a black dress. N-COUNT 2. You can refer to clothes worn by men or women as dress. He’s usually smart in his dress. ...hundreds of Cambodians in traditional dress. N-UNCOUNT see also evening dress, fancy dress, full dress, morning dress 3. When you dress or dress yourself, you put on clothes. He told Sarah to wait while he dressed... Sue had dressed herself neatly for work. VERB: V, V pron-refl 4. If you dress someone, for example a child, you put clothes on them. She bathed her and dressed her in clean clothes. VERB: V n 5. If someone dresses in a particular way, they wear clothes of a particular style or colour. He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he’s got authority... VERB: V in n 6. If you dress for something, you put on special clothes for it. We don’t dress for dinner here. VERB: V for n 7. When someone dresses a wound, they clean it and cover it. The poor child never cried or protested when I was dressing her wounds. VERB: V n 8. If you dress a salad, you cover it with a mixture of oil, vinegar, and herbs or flavourings. Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad. ...a bowl of dressed salad. VERB: V n, V-ed 9. see also dressing, dressed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a piece of clothing worn by a woman or girl that covers her body from her shoulder to somewhere on her leg  (Sheila wore a long red dress.)  (- compare skirt1 (1)) 2 the way someone dresses  (His dress is always very formal.) 3 dress code a standard of what you should wear for a particular situation  (This restaurant has a strict dress code - no tie, no service.) 4 evening/national/battle etc dress a special set of clothes that you wear for a particular occasion  (- see also dress sense, clothes) ~2 v 1 »PUT ON CLOTHES« a) to put on clothes, etc, especially before a special occasion  (I've got to go home to dress. | dress for (=put on clothes you wear for a particular activity))  (How do you normally dress for work? | dress for dinner (=put on formal clothes for your evening meal)) b) to put clothes on yourself or someone else  (I dress the kids before I go to work.)  (- see also dressed) 2 »WEAR CLOTHES« to wear a particular kind of clothes  (Dress warmly if you're going out for a walk.) 3 dress a wound/cut etc to clean and cover a wound etc 4 dress a salad to put a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt etc onto a salad (=cold vegetables) 5 dress poultry/crab etc to clean and prepare meat or fish so that it is ready to cook or eat. 6 »MAKE CLOTHES« to make or choose clothes for someone  (The Princess is dressed by one of Britain's most famous designers.) 7 »HAIR« formal to arrange someone's hair into a special style 8 »HORSE« to brush a horse in order to make it clean 9 dress wood/metal/leather etc technical to polish or put a special surface onto wood etc 10 dress stone technical to cut and shape stone so that it can be used in building 11 »SOLDIERS« technical a word used in the army to tell soldiers to form a straight line dress down phr v 1 to wear clothes that are more informal than you would usually wear 2 T dress someone down) to speak angrily or severely to someone about something they have done wrong  (- see also dressing­down) dress up phr v 1 to wear special clothes, make­up (1), etc for...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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